Rev. Bre Magill

Pastor Bre became MOPC's Associate Pastor in August of 2022. Bre received her Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Fuller Theological Seminary (Northwest Campus), and her Bachelor’s in Theology from Whitworth University. During her time at Whitworth, she met Matt Magill, who later became her husband.

After college, Bre and Matt moved to Salt Lake City where Matt grew up (and attended MOPC for many years). Here, Bre served as the Assistant Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries at MOPC. She was also involved in guest preaching, teaching Sunday School, and active leadership with The Mount—MOPC’s Sunday evening service that chiefly engaged college students and young adults.

Bre and Matt moved back to Washington in 2014 to complete their graduate education (Matt received his PhD. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Seattle Pacific University), and returned to Salt Lake again in 2020, where Bre completed her Clinical Pastoral Education at St. Mark’s Hospital. She served as the Pastoral Associate at First Presbyterian Church of Salt Lake City before coming to Mount Olympus. She has also worked as a PRN chaplain and been a guest preacher at churches across the state of Utah.


In their free time, Bre and Matt enjoy running, hiking, playing board games, and spending time with their family. Bre also loves reading and taking their tiny dog, Lucy, for walks in Sugarhouse Park—and she is happy to get together any time for coffee!

Bre’s Statement of Faith

I believe in one triune God, the maker of heaven and earth, whose mysterious and eternal being is well beyond human understanding. Even so, God has been pleased to reveal God’s self to us throughout history—by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the person of Jesus Christ—so that we may know and worship him joyfully and with our whole mind, heart, and soul.


I believe that the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures bear witness to this revelation and are rightly called the inspired Word of God for all humankind. In this Word, God is demonstrated to be gracious and compassionate, holy and just, faithful to his covenants, and worthy of all honor and glory.

I believe that God, who is called the Father, is the creator and sustainer of all things, seen and unseen. I believe that all persons have been uniquely created in God’s image out of an abundance of his great love. We are invited to live in perfect union with God and one another, and to steward his creation with care. By our willful disobedience, we have violated that union, becoming alienated from God and dead in our sin. Yet even in this broken state, God, in his infinite mercy, has chosen us to be his people and made way for the redemption of his creation.


I believe in Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ, who is the eternally begotten Son of the Father. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary in fully human flesh, he was nevertheless fully God and perfectly without sin. He healed the sick, befriended the outcast, and spent his days on earth proclaiming God’s Kingdom come. He was unjustly arrested, condemned, and crucified on a Roman cross. In his death, Jesus descended to hell, and on the third day, he rose again. Thus, the power of God overcame all sin and death; and by no merit of our own, but by the righteousness of God in Christ, we have been restored to right relationship with God. I believe that after his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. He will one day come again to judge the living and the dead, and his glorious Kingdom will have no end.


I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is also called our Helper and Advocate. This Spirit was present before creation and is fully God along with the Father and the Son. This Spirit spoke through the prophets and apostles, inspired the writing of the Scriptures, and acts in the world to accomplish the will of God. By the Spirit, we are called to repent and believe the gospel and are sanctified into the likeness of Christ.


I believe that the Church is the community of believers across time and space who are united with one another and God, in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Together, we partake in the sacraments as outward signs of the inward grace which has been sealed on our hearts. In our baptism, we participate in the death and resurrection of Christ and are welcomed into the family of God. In the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, we not only anticipate the glorious feast to come, but are reminded of Christ’s death and given spiritual sustenance to continue his good work in the world: worshipping God, loving our neighbor, tearing down the dividing walls of hostility, making every effort toward peace and justice, tending creation, and proclaiming God’s glorious Kingdom until Christ comes again.


I believe with my whole being that God is the essence and source of all life, love, and truth. To know and worship him is an incredible and undeserved gift. With God’s help, I seek to live my life according to these beliefs and abide in his loving arms forever.