Reverend Dr. Chris Pritchett

Rev. Dr. Chris Pritchett joined MOPC in June of 2020 in the middle of the Corona Virus Global Pandemic. Pastor Chris' first year was spent preaching to a relatively empty sanctuary that was broadcast live on Facebook. In June of 2021 we were finally able to worship as a church family within our church building with Pastor Chris teaching the Gospel.

A native of Southern California, Chris received his undergraduate degree at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California and his Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California where he received an award for overall excellence. He has also completed a Master of Theology in Preaching (Th.M.) degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was the recipient of an award for excellence in preaching. Chris has just completed his studies for the Doctor of Ministry degree at George Fox University in Oregon.


Chris’ other pursuits include contemplative spirituality, health and wellness, supporting his kids’ soccer, spending time outdoors with Devon, hiking, surfing, running, gardening, and, skiing and snowboarding.

Chris met his wife, Devon, at Westmont College, and together they enjoy an active lifestyle with their three children: Hannah, Abby, and Lucas. Chris has served congregations in Southern California and Washington state and brings over sixteen years of full-time church ministry experience, including five years as Senior Pastor / Head of Staff of John Knox Presbyterian Church in Seattle. He serves on the board of the Henri Nouwen Society. We are overjoyed that he and his family have joined MOPC.

Chris’ Statement of Faith

I believe in one triune God, who created the heavens and the earth, and breathed life into existence. God alone is worthy to be glorified. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the unity of the Holy Spirit, I worship the Holy God of Israel.

I believe in God, whom Jesus called “Father,” and whose image is reflected in all persons, male and female. God created all humanity for the purpose of living in everlasting fellowship with God. But humanity rebels against God and his intention for us. We desecrate the image of God in people, we turn away from God’s commandments, and we choose to live according to our own desires. In so doing, we separate ourselves from God, one another, and the natural world. Yet God, with unfailing love for humanity, has not abandoned us. In sovereign justice and mercy, God chose to redeem God’s beloved creation.

I believe in Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ, the image of the invisible God, and the firstborn of all creation. Fully human, and equally God, Jesus announced God’s reign on earth through word and deed: offering sight to the blind, good news to the poor, healing to the sick, freedom to the prisoners, and forgiveness to sinners, so that all might repent and believe the Gospel. Unjustly condemned, yet motivated by love, willingly giving his life as a sacrifice for the sin of the world, Jesus was crucified and died. But God raised Jesus from the dead, overcoming the power of evil, and conquering death, in order to accomplish God’s redemptive plan for all creation.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, who renews and sustains life and transforms us into the likeness of Christ. The Spirit inspired the authorship of Scripture, and guides us into the truth of God’s Word, through its proclamation. The Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament together serve as our unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ, God’s written Word and self-revelation to us. In them we learn of God’s faithfulness throughout history, we come to know of God’s love for all creation, and we are shown how to live faithfully as God’s people in the world.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is sealed in our lives in the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The sacraments are visible signs of the invisible reality of God's grace given to us. In the waters of baptism, we hear the voice of God who calls us “Beloved,” and welcomes us into God’s covenant community, the Church. Through our participation in the Lord’s Supper, God nourishes us in the body and blood of Christ, strengthens our faith, and binds us to Christ and one another. God’s never-ending and abundant grace transforms us to be a witnessing sign to the watching world—a sign of our faith declaring to the world that in Christ, God is making all things new.

Together as one Church, we are united as the priesthood of all believers. As the body of Christ, we are sent by God to proclaim God’s love for all humanity, demonstrating God’s mercy and justice in the world through word and deed. We rejoice that nothing will separate us from the love of God, and we actively hope for the new heaven and new earth, when Christ shall come again in glory.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, who was, and is, and is to come! Amen!