Theme: “Fire On The Mountain”
This retreat uses the transformative encounters of Elijah, Moses, Jesus, and Peter on mountains as archetypal pathways for men to explore spiritual depth, purpose, and connection. Through song and story, teaching and contemplative practice, ritual and group reflection, participants are invited into a space of transformation, renewal, and discovery.
With comfortable lodging in the beautiful Uintas on a magnificent ranch property, the retreat will give men the opportunity to connect with nature, experience silence, enjoy conversation around the fire together, receive teaching and storytelling from within our community, share deeply through the Way of Council, worship through singing together, a full afternoon of free time to hike, mountain bike, fish, swim, play pickleball. We'll enjoy songs and stories from our guest, Roy Schenkenberger, and grow deeply through ceremony and Sacrament.
Roy Schenkenberger was born and raised in the Beach Cities of Southern California. Artists such as James Taylor, John Denver, and Jim Croce left heavy footprints in his musical grey matter; their influences draw out hints and inflections of wider open places. Reflective of life’s muddy waters, a few black eyes, and some smiles in between, he writes and sings from a place of conviction. Roy’s songs have shown up in surf films, been heard from 30,000 feet on American Airlines, and have been translated into Chinese. They’ve been sung in stadiums, performed in living rooms, churches, surf contests, music halls, hospital bed-sides, and once in traffic school.
Hidden Springs Ranch is a beautiful 700-acre cattle ranch and mountain retreat in Altonah, Utah – just over a two-hour drive from Salt Lake City, situated at the southern base of the Uinta Mountains, beneath King’s Peak, at 6,600’. It’s an idyllic place for a retreat in the solitude of the Uinta and Ouray Indian Reservations. The lodge is beautiful and spacious, and there are many opportunities for recreation, exploration, and wilderness wandering.
Our Lodging…
The lodge at Hidden Springs Ranch is spacious enough to comfortably accommodate everyone attending the retreat. No room or bed assignments will be made in advance. For information about our location for this retreat, please visit:
Activity Options (*we will not have a full day of free time):
We will have about five hours of free time on Saturday to explore. The property itself offers fishing, pickleball, range shooting, swimming, and hiking. Many nearby hikes and mountain biking trails available, as well as scenic driving opportunities.
**For more information, visit:
The cost of the retreat is $210 and
includes room, all meals, all programming, and supplies. Every
man is also asked to bring a hand drum to use in our drumming circle on Friday and
Saturday nights (djembe's or the like will suffice).
For more retreat information and a detailed itinerary, click HERE.